
Contact information

We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. Get in touch with us by filling in the form so we would know how we could best help you. We look forward to hearing from you!


Level 4, 17-21 Whitmore Street, Wellington 6011
DX SP 20202
PO Box 5041            

Wellington 6140
New Zealand

Phone: 0800 333 111  or  04 472 7837

Inquiries - freephone (within NZ) 0800 333 111 


To send us an inquiry please fill in the following form, and we will endeavour to reply the next working day.  If you do not hear from us, please call us on 0800 333 111.

Multiple Registrations

If you are using this page to register multiple people for a course(s) please provide us with the following information.
  • 'Your Query' Box - Please enter:
    • the name and location of the course(s) you want to register people for
    • the name, email, book preference (hard copy, PDF or both) and full contact details of each registrant
    • if the programme has a selection option please indicate registrants' choice at the time of registration
    • a contact phone number for you.
We will respond within 1-2 working days giving you the GST inclusive price of your order. You will then need to follow up with payment by either Direct Credit, or by phoning us with Credit Card details.

Your Email*
First Name*
Last Name*
Enquiry Type*
Your Query*
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