Women in the Law - Career by Design

NZLS CLE Ltd is proud to support gender diversity in the legal profession.  We are delighted to showcase a full set of videos recorded at the extremely well received 2016 Conference – Women in the Law – Career by Design, chaired by Cathy Quinn. Click here to buy the conference book

Session 1 - Effective Strategies to Encourage Progression of Women in Senior Roles

Statistics show that despite the increase in the number of women entering the legal profession, and the sanguine expectation that time would bring change, only 26% of women employees in law firms are directors or partners. Has the time come for quotas and what does the merit argument really mean?

Presenter: Michelle Dixon

Session 2 - Workshop - Women of Influence

A practical workshop to build your courage, presence and flexibility in influencing effectively while being true to who you are.

Topics we will explore include:
  • Who are women with influence and why it matters
  • What qualities make the difference to the impact you create
  • Recognising when you are at your best and how to maximise your presence and energy.

Presenter: Nicky Benson

Session 3 - The Power of Positive Thinking

Discover the benefits of positive framing. This session will discuss how to:

  • Manage set-backs
  • Build on your successes
  • Respond to challenges
  • Find ways to befriend fear
  • Take manageable risks and develop your courage muscle.    

Presenter: Ava Gibson

Session 4 - Workshop - The Pointy End of Conversations

Avoiding conflict is not the answer! This workshop will equip you with new strategies for next time you have to “grasp the nettle” and hold an uncomfortable conversation at work.

Specifically we will cover:

  • Your emotional and practical preparation
  • Managing yourself in the moment
  • How to let go and move on.

Presenter: Brenda Ratcliff

Session 5 - Changing Law Firm Culture

This session will examine effective practical steps and behavioural changes that firms can implement to improve the work environment for women in particular, and men as well.

Topics will include:
  • Calling bad behaviour and raising awareness of its impact
  • Flexible working, part-time work and transparency
  • The role of senior partners in creating career pathways for women; the nature of inclusive leadership, equitable recruitment and on-going monitoring
  • Financial aspects - salaries and bonuses, utilisation of pro bono work and “the vexed issue of targets”
  • The importance of staying connected with community, female mentors and accommodating outside interests.

Presenters: Andrew Poole, Stacey Shortall and Ngaroma Tahana

Session 6 - From Grad to Grey - securing your financial freedom

Women are increasingly outperforming their male counterparts in many aspects of life, but when it comes to financial matters – and investing in particular – we tend to demonstrate lower confidence than men. Carmel will share stories and lessons learned over a quarter century of investing to help you on your journey towards financial freedom.

Presenter: Carmel Fisher