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Published: 31 July, 2012
Pages: 182


The Property Law Section has updated the NZLS Property Transactions and E-dealing Guidelines, which took effect on 9 July when the new ADLS/REINZ 9th edition of the Agreement for Sale became available. The guidelines relating to payment – under the Same Day Cleared Payments System (SCP) - will be given the force of contract for the first time in the new Agreement. A comprehensive review of the two sets of Guidelines has now been carried out. At the same time, both sets of Guidelines have been combined. This was considered desirable as clearly the two sets of Guidelines are closely related.

Learn about other changes to the e-dealing guidelines, and receive some useful compliance review watchpoints from the Registrar-General.  This booklet also has a practical segment covering “frequently asked banking questions”.

Robbie Muir Duncan Terris
Robbie Muir
Registrar-General of Land
Land Information NZ
Duncan Terris


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