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Relationship Property - business valuations and the expert witness

NZ $37.50
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Author(s): Tony Frankham, Deborah Hollings
Published: 25 July, 2001
Pages: 54


There is no introduction for this publication.

Content outline

  • The Property (Relationships) Act
    • Fact situation – when Mary met Peter
    • Property (Relationships) legislation – the main changes
    • Peter and Mary and the Property (Relationships) Act
  • Basic concepts of valuation
    • The expert’s viewpoint
    • More recent approaches to discounted cash flow valuation 
  • Identifying problems and applying the theory
    • Fair value v fair market value
    • Choice of valuation methodology
    • Assessing future performance for valuation purposes
    • Asset valuations and adjustments
    • Discounts and premiums for special parcels
    • Goodwill and the "bundle of rights"
    • Valuation of interests in professional practices
    • Intellectual property and "e-valuations"
    • Matrimonial property cases as precedent
  • Possible approaches under the new Act
    • Peter and Mary and s 15
  • How to get the best value from your expert - the expert's viewpoint
    • The primary evidence
    • Assistance with cross-examination
  • How to get the best value from your expert - counsel's viewpoint
    • Evidence in chief – working with your own witness
    • Cross-examination
    • Common flaws in valuation reports in matrimonial property proceedings
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