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Employment Relations Act 2000

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Author(s): Peter Churchman, Paul Roth
Published: 17 July, 2000
Pages: 108


There is no introduction for this publication.

Content outline

  • The philosophy behind the Employment Relations Act
  • Good faith
    • General obligations
    • Collective barganing
    • Individual bargaining
    • Form and contents of employment agreements
    • Remedies for breach
    • Employment relations education leave
  • Strikes and lockouts
  • Personal grievances
  • Institutions
    • Mediation services
    • Private dispute resolution
    • Employment Relations Authority
    • Employment Court
    • Court of appeal
  • Miscellaneous provisions
    • Definition of "employee"
    • Raising of fines and penalties
    • New powers of Labour Inspectors
    • Transitional provisions
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