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Introduction to Advocacy

NZ $122.50

Revised: 2018
Pages: 470

Sir Bruce Robertson, Former Judge of the Court of Appeal of New Zealand
Consulting editors:
Andrew Beck and Simon Mount
The Hon Justice Asher, Andrew Beck, John Billington KC, The Hon Justice Brewer ONZM, Colin Carruthers KC, The Hon Sir Robert Chambers KNZM KC, Gerard Curry, Colin Fife, The Hon Justice Fogarty, Christine Gordon KC, Christine Grice, Nigel Hampton KC, June Jelas, The Hon Justice Lang, Philip Morgan KC, Simon Mount, Her Honour Judge Morris, His Honour Judge O’Driscoll, John Pike QSO KC, Paul Radich KC, Kieran Raftery, Craig Ruane, Terry Stapleton KC, The Hon Justice Stevens, Les Taylor KC, Natalie Walker, The Hon Justice Wild


Download the Introduction to Advocacy Foreword here.

Content outline

  • Theory of the case
  • Conduct of an advocate
  • Pre-trial issues - criminal
  • Pre-trial issues - civil
  • The jury
  • Preparation for trial
  • Opening the case
  • Examination-in-chief
  • Cross-examination
  • Re-examination
  • Objections
  • Expert witnesses
  • Exhibits
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