Author: Alan Webb
Published: 2 August 2023
Pages: 33


The Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) covers a wide range of offending.

The aim of this webinar is to highlight some of the fundamental and recurring issues arising in RMA prosecutions for general practitioners and to identify the type of information that is required to provide advice to clients to ensure they understand the full implications of the charges they are facing, and potential resolution options for them.

This booklet is intended as a one stop basic reference tool with a summary of the RMA provisions that will need to be considered.

Content outline

  • Resource Management Act - prosecutions
  • Introduction to the Resource Management Act 1991
  • Parts 12 and 3 of the RMA
  • Part 12 of the RMA
  • Part 3 of the RMA
  • Penalties
  • Information from clients
  • Conclusion
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WEBB Alan    
Alan Webb
Quay Chambers


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