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Trusts Conference 2001

NZ $70.00
Neil Gray
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Author(s): Helen Cull KC, Rt Hon Justice Blanchard, Kerry Ayers, Arran Boote, Linda Going, Neil Gray, John Hart, Noel Ingram KC, Denham Martin, Annelies McClure, Professor Julie Maxton, Bill Patterson, Maureen Southwick, Pravir Tesiram, Fred Ward
Published: 21 May, 2001
Pages: 244

There is no introduction for this publication.


Content outline

  • Towards a modern law of trusts
  • The Property (Relationships) Act 1976: what every trust lawyer needs to know about the new Act
  • Family trusts – and the impact of the new Act
  • How to do a resettlement – practical legal and tax issues
  • "Filling the gaps": drafting trust deeds
  • Trading trusts
  • Practical domestic tax issues
  • Practical tax issues – migration and implications for trusts
  • As time goes by – adapting trusts to changing circumstances
  • Variations of trusts pursuant to ss 64 and 64A of the Trustees Act 1956: problems, pitfalls and procedures
  • Modern trust structures – exploring the boundaries
  • Trustee-related issues
  • Changing trustees – issues arising and consequences for third parties
  • Inter-trustee disputes
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