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Displaying: 177 - 192 of 879 items. Price. Add to cart.

New Trusts Act - Drafting New Trust Deeds

Publication Date: 22-Jul-2020

Authors: Chris Kelly, Kimberly Lawrence

NZ $30.00

Multiple Registration

Urgent Changes to Overseas Investment Rules - protecting the national interest

Publication Date: 20-Jul-2020

Authors: Nelson Curry, Pedro Morgan, Vanessa Horne

NZ $40.00

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Criminal Law - cell phone data: A new forensic tool

Publication Date: 08-Jul-2020

Author: Dr A Sathyendran

NZ $30.00

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Earthquake Strengthening Issues - impact on commercial buildings

Publication Date: 29-Jun-2020

Authors: Richard Chung, Doran Wyatt

NZ $60.00

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PRA Intensive - keeping ahead of the pack 2020

Publication Date: 26-Jun-2020

Chair: Simon Jefferson KC Authors: Grant Allan, Dr Andrew Butler, Vanessa Bruton QC, Lady Deborah Chambers QC, Angela Corry, Philippa Fee, The Honourable Paul Heath QC, Isaac Hikaka, Lynda Kearns, Professor Nicola Peart

NZ $155.00

Multiple Registration

New Trusts Act - Duties of Trustees

Publication Date: 24-Jun-2020

Authors: Chris Kelly, Colette Mackenzie

NZ $35.00

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Search & Freezing Orders

Publication Date: 22-Jun-2020

Authors: Samuel Hood, Jesse Savage

NZ $60.00

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Validation of Wills

Publication Date: 18-Jun-2020

Authors: Theresa Donnelly, Henry Stokes

NZ $55.00

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Meetings - legal essentials

Publication Date: 15-Jun-2020

Author: Mark von Dadelszen

NZ $35.00

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Tax - cross border inheritance issues

Publication Date: 11-Jun-2020

Author: Terry Baucher

NZ $30.00

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AML/CFT Recap & Update

Publication Date: 10-Jun-2020

Authors: Henry Brandts-Giesen, Neil Russ

NZ $150.00

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Professional Indemnity Insurance - update

Publication Date: 08-Jun-2020

Authors: Andrea Challis, Kiri Harkess

NZ $25.00

Multiple Registration

New Trusts Act - Key Changes Overview

Publication Date: 04-May-2020

Authors: Greg Kelly, Colette Mackenzie

NZ $30.00

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Health and Safety Update 2020

Publication Date: 22-Apr-2020

Authors: Greg Cain, Michael Hargreaves

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Agreement for Sale and Purchase - practical points

Publication Date: 09-Apr-2020

Author: Thomas Gibbons

NZ $45.00

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Gifting Update 2020

Publication Date: 06-Apr-2020

Authors: Chris Kelly, Greg Kelly

NZ $35.00

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