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Injunctions and Other Emergency Relief 2018

Publication Date: 20-Nov-2018

Authors: Sarah Armstrong, Tim Stephens

NZ $150.00

Multiple Registration

Land Transfer Act - nuts and bolts

Publication Date: 20-Nov-2018

Authors: Thomas Gibbons, Robbie Muir

NZ $160.00

Multiple Registration

Changes That Affect Every Conveyancer - Overseas Investment Regime

Publication Date: 19-Nov-2018

Authors: Pedro Morgan, Jenna Reid

NZ $60.00

Multiple Registration

The Future of Family Law - Keynote Lady Hale

Publication Date: 19-Nov-2018

Chair: Professor Mark Henaghan, Keynote: Lady Brenda Hale, Authors: Hon Andrew Little, Professor Jacinta Ruru, Her Hon Judge Mary O’Dwyer, His Hon Judge Haamiora Raumati, Lady Deborah Chambers KC, Stephen van Bohemen, Anita Chan KC, Lope Ginnen, Professor Bill Atkin, Nikki Chamberlain, Associate Professor Nicola Taylor

NZ $150.00

Multiple Registration

Trustees - Professional liability

Publication Date: 14-Nov-2018

Authors: Vicki Ammundsen, Jeremy Johnson

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Criminal Law Symposium 2018

Publication Date: 14-Nov-2018

Chair: The Hon Justice Simon France, Authors: Paul Borich KC, Kerry Cook, The Hon Justice Mathew Downs, Tiana Epati, Andrea Ewing, The Hon Justice Dame Ellen France, Andru Isac, Gareth Kayes, Her Honour Judge Soana Moala, Natalie Walker

NZ $130.00

Multiple Registration

Tax Conference 2018

Publication Date: 24-Sep-2018

Chair: Denham Martin, Authors: Ali Noroozi, Bruce Bernacchi, Geoff Clews, Pam Davidson, Professor Shelley Griffiths, John Hart, John Nash, Jared Otto, Carmel Peters, Robyn Rakete, Neil Russ, Fred Ward, Karen Whitiskie

NZ $150.00

Multiple Registration

AML/CFT - Wire Transfers, SARs, Privilege & Confidentiality

Publication Date: 24-Sep-2018

Authors: Henry Brandts-Giesen, Neil Russ

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Conflicts of Interest

Publication Date: 10-Sep-2018

Authors: Jenny Cooper KC, Victoria Heine

NZ $65.00

Multiple Registration

Youth Advocates Conference 2018

Publication Date: 10-Sep-2018

Chair: Clare Bennett, Authors: Dr Caleb Armstrong, Melanie Baker, His Hon Judge Louis Bidois, Colin Eason, His Hon Judge Tony FitzGerald, Morgan Godfery, Dr Julia Ioane, Dr Valerie McGinn, Chris Merrick, Corin Merrick, Maria Pecotic, Professor Susan Schenk, Mark Stephenson, Gene Tomlinson, Paul Tupou-Vea, His Hon Judge John Walker

NZ $120.00

Multiple Registration

Introduction to Advocacy

Publication Date: 01-Jul-2018

Author(s): The Hon Justice Asher, Andrew Beck, John Billington KC, The Hon Justice Brewer ONZM, Colin Carruthers KC, The Hon Sir Robert Chambers KNZM KC, Gerard Curry, Colin Fife, The Hon Justice Fogarty, Christine Gordon KC, Christine Grice, Nigel Hampton KC, June Jelas, The Hon Justice Lang, Philip Morgan KC, Simon Mount, Her Honour Judge Morris, His Honour Judge O’Driscoll, John Pike QSO KC, Paul Radich KC, Kieran Raftery, Craig Ruane, Terry Stapleton KC, The Hon Justice Stevens, Les Taylor KC, Natalie Walker, The Hon Justice Wild

NZ $122.50

Multiple Registration

Arbitration 2.0: moving beyond ad hoc arbitration clauses

Publication Date: 28-Jun-2018

Author: Matthew Dunning KC

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Property Law Conference: Change - it's inevitable!

Publication Date: 28-Jun-2018

Chair: Debra Dorrington, Keynote: Ngahihi Bidois, Dr Tom Mulholland, Authors: Lisa Barrett, Jayne Cobham, Ben France-Hudson, Victoria Kingi, Richard Manthel, Chris Moore, Robbie Muir, Mark Pascall, Professor Jacinta Ruru, Stephen Tomlinson, Nick Tuffley, John Walton, Leo Watson, Jeremy Whyte, Dominic Woolrych, Dr Rachel Zajac

NZ $170.00

Multiple Registration

PRA Intensive - keeping ahead of the pack

Publication Date: 28-Jun-2018

Chair: Amanda Donovan, Authors: Stephanie Ambler, Georgia Angus, Sharon Chandra, Jennie Hawker, Isaac Hikaka, Shane Hussey, Jeremy Johnson, Sally Morris, Rod White

NZ $110.00

Multiple Registration

Māori Business Conference - contemporary legal issues

Publication Date: 28-Jun-2018

Chair: Matanuku Mahuika, Authors: Whaimutu Dewes, Rangimarie Hunia, Graeme Olding, Tama Potaka, Lynell Tuffery Huria, Nick Wells, The Honourable Justice Joseph Williams, Kiwa Whatarau

NZ $65.00

Multiple Registration

Auditing - things you need to know

Publication Date: 21-Jun-2018

Authors: Robert Buchanan, Craig Fisher FCA

NZ $35.00

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