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Displaying: 289 - 304 of 885 items. Price. Add to cart.

Shared Services Agreements - Government

Publication Date: 09-Apr-2018

Authors: Rupert Ablett-Hampson, John Bassett

NZ $70.00

Multiple Registration

AML/CFT Act Tool Kit Series Webinar 2 - Due Diligence

Publication Date: 09-Apr-2018

Authors: Henry Brandts-Giesen, Neil Russ

NZ $25.00

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Regulatory Roadblocks - Dealing with the Public Sector

Publication Date: 09-Apr-2018

Author: Setareh Masoud-Ansari

NZ $30.00

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Land Transfer Act 2017 - Practical Tips

Publication Date: 09-Apr-2018

Authors: Thomas Gibbons, Robert Metcalf

NZ $35.00

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Speaking Your Clients' Language

Publication Date: 13-Mar-2018

Author: Brenda Ratcliff

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Winding Up a Trust

Publication Date: 13-Mar-2018

Authors: Greg Neill, Ala Sonti

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Working With the New Substance Addiction Act

Publication Date: 12-Mar-2018

Presenters: Professor Kate Diesfeld, Barry Wilson, His Honour Judge P J Recordon

NZ $35.00

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Interest on Money Claims

Publication Date: 12-Mar-2018

Author: Paul Michalik

NZ $50.00

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Access to Court Documents

Publication Date: 08-Mar-2018

Authors: Andrew Beck, Catriona MacLennan

NZ $60.00

Multiple Registration

AML/CFT Act Tool Kit Series Webinar 1 - Compliance Programmes

Publication Date: 07-Mar-2018

Authors: Henry Brandts-Giesen, Neil Russ

NZ $80.00

Multiple Registration

CPD Top Up Day 2018 - Wellington A General Practitioner

Publication Date: 05-Mar-2018

Chair: Steph Dyhrberg, Authors: Peter Barrett, Jordan Boyle, DeAnne Brabant, Mike Brunner, Greg Cain, Johanna Drayton, Chris Kelly, Colette Mackenzie, Robert Metcalf, Bianca Mueller, Ron Pol

NZ $95.00

Multiple Registration

CPD Top Up Day 2018 - Wellington B In House & Government

Publication Date: 05-Mar-2018

Chair: Jane Meares, Authors: Tai Ahu, Victoria Casey KC, Simon Jensen, Ben Keith, David Lemmon, Cassie Nicholson, Jonathan Robinson, Andrew Royle, Adam Tapsell, Sir Maarten Wevers

NZ $85.00

Multiple Registration

CPD Top Up Day 2018 - Auckland

Publication Date: 01-Mar-2018

Chair: Faumui Penelope Ginnen (Lope), Authors: Vicki Ammundsen, Catherine Atchison, Henry Brandts-Giesen, Theresa Donnelly, Isaac Hikaka, Simon Mitchell, Sue Petricevic, Mary Joy Simpson, Penny Swarbrick, Matthew Tetley-Jones, Bryce Town

NZ $110.00

Multiple Registration

CPD Top Up Day 2018 - Christchurch

Publication Date: 23-Feb-2018

Chair: Stephanie Marsden. Authors: John Bergamasco, Barry Ching, Malcolm Ellis, Nigel Grant, Richard Hern, Jeff Kenny, Ken Lord, Tim Mackenzie, John Mackintosh, Fleur McDonald, Andrew Nuttall, Andrew Simpson, Philip Strang, Anne Toohey, Ben Walker

NZ $95.00

Multiple Registration

Holding Difficult Conversations

Publication Date: 12-Dec-2017

Author: Claire Keenan

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Trust Administration - transition points & current practice

Publication Date: 12-Dec-2017

Authors: Ken Lord, David McLay

NZ $65.00

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