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Displaying: 433 - 448 of 885 items. Price. Add to cart.

Employment Fundamentals - managing the relationship

Publication Date: 11-Jun-2015

Authors: Bridget Smith, Andrea Twaddle

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

FATCA - implications for law firms and clients

Publication Date: 11-Jun-2015

Authors: Tim MacAvoy, Neil Russ

NZ $65.00

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IT & Online Law Conference

Publication Date: 11-Jun-2015

Chair: His Hon Judge David Harvey Authors: Josh Blackmore, Susan Chalmers, Clive Elliott KC, His Hon Judge David Harvey, Mark Heine, Sacha Judd, Joy Liddicoat, Edwin Lim, Tom Maasland, Andrew Scott-Howman, Rick Shera. Tim Sherman, Michael Wigley

NZ $140.00

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Judicial Review 2015

Publication Date: 27-May-2015

Author: Francis Cooke KC

NZ $95.00

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Insurance - New Challenges

Publication Date: 18-May-2015

Authors: Neil Campbell KC, Peter Woods

NZ $90.00

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Education Law Intensive

Publication Date: 18-May-2015

Authors: Martin Cocker, Gretchen Stone, Simon Judd, Richard Harrison, John Hannan, Marina Matthews, Christine Chilwell

NZ $95.00

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Construction - contracts, disputes and legislative change

Publication Date: 04-May-2015

Authors: Marie Harrison, Trina Lincoln

NZ $40.00

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Making Use of Arbitration

Publication Date: 04-May-2015

Authors: Mark Colthart, Royden Hindle

NZ $45.00

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Employment - Dealing with Difficult Contractual Issues

Publication Date: 04-May-2015

Authors: Susan Hornsby-Geluk, Andrea Twaddle

NZ $45.00

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Business Insolvency - key commercial issues and developments

Publication Date: 28-Apr-2015

Authors: Sean Gollin, Richard Gordon

NZ $90.00

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Advocacy Ethics - disqualifying conflicts

Publication Date: 28-Apr-2015

Authors: Paul Collins, Tim Mullins

NZ $45.00

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Trusts for Company and Commercial Lawyers 2015

Publication Date: 25-Mar-2015

Authors: Juliet Moses, Jared Ormsby

NZ $90.00

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Disclosure of Documents in Civil Litigation

Publication Date: 20-Mar-2015

Authors: Andrew Beck, Allison Ferguson

NZ $45.00

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Criminal Law - working with intellectually disabled clients

Publication Date: 20-Mar-2015

Authors: David Allan, Dr Bridit Mirgin-Veitch

NZ $35.00

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Sale and Purchase of Apartments - what's trending now?

Publication Date: 20-Mar-2015

Authors: Debra Dorrington, Duncan Terris

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

CPD Top Up Day - Auckland

Publication Date: 05-Mar-2015

Authors: Vanessa Bruton, Brendan Cash, Vivienne Crawshaw, Sally Fitzgerald, David Jones KC, Lynda Kearns, Niamh McMahon, Robyn Pearce, Penny Swarbrick, Helen White, Peter Wright

NZ $85.00

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