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Displaying: 513 - 528 of 885 items. Price. Add to cart.

Tax Conference 2013

Publication Date: 06-Sep-2013

Chair: Neil Russ. Authors: Peter Boyce, Geoff Clews, James Coleman, Shaun Connolly, Jo Giboney, John Hart, Joanne Hodge, Una Jagose, Greg Knowles, Alastair McKenzie, Juliet Moses, Graeme Olding, Casey Plunket, Michelle Redington, Martin Smith, Graham Tubb, Fred Ward, Tony Wilkinson

NZ $110.00

Multiple Registration

Legal Executives Conference 2013

Publication Date: 20-Aug-2013

Author(s): Trudi Bennett, Sharon Cornwell, Wayne Coutts, Sean Gollin, Mike Hart, Jenny Henry, Kirsten Hodgson, Ian Jesperson, Tim Jones, Chris Kelly, Greg Kelly, Jeff Kenny, Jonathan Pitts, Duncan Terris, Dr Duncan Webb, Michelle Williams, Michael Wood, Ashley Wright

NZ $85.00

Multiple Registration

Technology Law Conference

Publication Date: 19-Aug-2013

Chair: His Hon Judge David Harvey. Authors: Sacha Judd, Richard Best, Clive Elliott KC, Sheana Wheeldon, Natasha Crampton, Rick Shera, Edwin Lim, John Edwards. Christine Lanham, Michael Wigley, His Hon Judge David Harvey

NZ $95.00

Multiple Registration

The Youth Court and the impact of the Criminal Procedure Act 2011

Publication Date: 17-Jul-2013

Authors: His Hon Judge Andrew Becroft, Mark Lillico, Emily Bruce

NZ $30.00

Multiple Registration

Commercial Law Intensive

Publication Date: 17-Jul-2013

Chair: Geof Shirtcliffe, Presenters: Neil Campbell KC, Jenny Cooper, Annelies McClure, Daniel McLellan KC, Adam Ross, Nathanael Starrenburg, Mark Todd, Tim Tubman, Simon Vannini

NZ $85.00

Multiple Registration

Trusts - Best practice in 2013

Publication Date: 27-Jun-2013

Authors: Dr Andrew Butler, Vanessa Bruton, Helen Dervan, Theresa Donnelly, Deborah Hollings Chambers KC, Lloyd Kavanagh, Chris Kelly, Greg Kelly, Jeff Kenny, Prof Geoff McLay, Denham Martin, Juliet Moses, Jared Ormsby, Jessica Palmer, Bill Patterson, Prof Charles Rickett, Ingrid Taylor, Pravir Tesiram, Simon Weil

NZ $110.00

Multiple Registration

Torts Update

Publication Date: 27-Jun-2013

Authors: Andrew Barker, Professor Stephen Todd

NZ $90.00

Multiple Registration

Criminal Procedure Act and Legal Aid - new fees and other changes

Publication Date: 27-Jun-2013

Authors: Michelle McCreadie, Sarcha Keith, Bryan Pay

NZ $30.00

Multiple Registration

Criminal Procedure Act Intensive

Publication Date: 19-Jun-2013

Authors: His Hon Judge Bruce Davidson, His Hon Judge Chris Harding, Sandy Baigent, Tony Balme, Alison Hill, Jonathan Krebs, Mark Lillico, Brent Stanaway

NZ $115.00

Multiple Registration

Current Tax Issues in Property

Publication Date: 18-Jun-2013

Author: Barney Cumberland

NZ $30.00

Multiple Registration

Tricky Issues in the Life of a Lawyer

Publication Date: 18-Jun-2013

Authors: Paul Collins and Grant Illingworth KC

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Life After the Split - post-separation events

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2013

Author: Professor Bill Atkin

NZ $30.00

Multiple Registration

Creditors' Remedies

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2013

Authors: David Friar, John Larner, Jeremy Morley, Rachel Pinny

NZ $90.00

Multiple Registration

Public Sector Governance Intensive

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2013

Authors: Robert Buchanan, Dr Andrew Butler, Una Jagose, Toko Kapea, Clare Lenihan, Jane Meares, Ryan Orange, Roger Palairet, Andrew Royle, Gaye Searancke, John Sneyd

NZ $80.00

Multiple Registration

Trusts and Relationship Property for Family Lawyers

Publication Date: 27-May-2013

Authors: Vanessa Bruton, Isaac Hikaka

NZ $85.00

Multiple Registration

Children's Interests Under the PRA & s182 FPA

Publication Date: 24-May-2013

Authors: Professor Nicola Peart

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration
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