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Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009

Publication Date: 31-Oct-2012

Author: Lloyd Kavanagh

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Risk Management for Boards

Publication Date: 24-Oct-2012

Authors: John Waller, Michael Webb

NZ $25.00

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Youth Justice Practice Issues - an update

Publication Date: 17-Oct-2012

Authors: His Hon Judge Becroft, Aaron Lloydd, Fergus More, Emily Bruce

NZ $45.00

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Care and Protection Orders and CYFS

Publication Date: 17-Oct-2012

Authors: Dr Nicola Atwool, Tracey Gunn

NZ $45.00

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Statutory Interpretation - a 2012 guide

Publication Date: 01-Oct-2012

Authors: Ross Carter, Jason McHerron

NZ $85.00

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Consultation Requirements

Publication Date: 27-Sep-2012

Author: Lisa Hansen

NZ $45.00

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Tax Conference 2012

Publication Date: 05-Sep-2012

Authors: Vivian Cheng, Tim Clarke, Shaun Connolly, Bart de Gouw, Craig Elliffe, Teresa Farac, Patrick Goggin, Mike Hendriksen, Bevan Miles, Robin Oliver, John Payne, John Peterson, Casey Plunket, Martin Smith, Fred Ward, Sanjiv Weerasinghe, Tony Wilkinson

NZ $85.00

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Private International Law - litigating in the trans-Tasman context and beyond

Publication Date: 09-Aug-2012

Authors: David Goddard KC and Prof Campbell McLachlan KC

NZ $90.00

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After Death - claims against estates

Publication Date: 08-Aug-2012

Authors: Greg Kelly, Jacinda Rennie

NZ $40.00

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New NZLS Property Guidelines

Publication Date: 31-Jul-2012

Authors: Robbie Muir, Duncan Terris

NZ $70.00

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Litigation Against Directors and Companies

Publication Date: 26-Jul-2012

Authors: Colin Carruthers QC and Victoria Heine

NZ $55.00

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Wills - advising your client

Publication Date: 19-Jul-2012

Authors: Chris Kelly, John Donovan

NZ $40.00

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Family Legal Aid - fixed fees

Publication Date: 10-Jul-2012

Authors: Michele McCreadie, Georgina Miller, Adriana Nickless

NZ $34.00

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Fonterra Update and Federated Farmers (employment relationship issues)

Publication Date: 28-Jun-2012

Authors: Chris Spargo, Sean O'Sullivan

NZ $25.00

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Corporate Governance Intensive - best practice in a modern environment

Publication Date: 21-Jun-2012

Authors: Colin Carruthers, Stephen Franks, The Hon Justice Paul Heath, David Jones, Cathy Quinn, Michael Webb

NZ $70.00

Multiple Registration

Property Law Conference 2012

Publication Date: 18-Jun-2012

Authors: Allison Adams, Lesley Brook, Vanessa Bruton, Michelle Burke, Hamish Douch, Liza Fry-Irvine, Thomas Gibbons, Sandra Grant, John Greenwood, Paul Grimshaw, Ian Haynes, Prof Mark Henaghan, Kay Keam, Lisa Murphy, Peter Nolan, Adrienne Olsen, Rick Shera, Stephen Tomlinson, Neville Tuck, Mark Vickerman

NZ $110.00

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