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Governing and Running Maori Entities - Part 2 Conference

Publication Date: 03-Sep-2010

Author(s): Dr Robert Joseph, Damian Stone, Selwyn Hayes

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Tax planning for developers and investors; particularly as it relates to the associated person rules

Publication Date: 24-Aug-2010

Author(s): Phillip Walker

NZ $30.00

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The Emissions Trading Scheme - advising your client on their obligations

Publication Date: 24-Aug-2010

Author(s): Karen Price, Kate Radka

NZ $60.00

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Local Government Intensive

Publication Date: 20-Aug-2010

Author(s):David Caygill, Philip Griffiths, Hon Rodney Hide, David Kirkpatrick, Robert Lineham, Bill Loutit, Andrew McKenzie, Ronald Pol, Tim Rainey, Jonathan Salter, Stephen Selwood, Steve Taylor, Michael Weatherall

NZ $75.00

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Contracting with Companies, Trusts, Partnerships and Nominees

Publication Date: 11-Aug-2010

Kelly Quinn, Professor Peter Watts

NZ $70.00

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Fundamentals of GST as it applies to dealings in real property

Publication Date: 10-Aug-2010

Author(s): Denham Martin

NZ $35.00

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Relationship Property Intensive - your big (legal) day out!

Publication Date: 05-Aug-2010

Author(s): Stephanie Ambler, Margaret Briggs, Margaret Casey, Bruce Corkill KC, Shelley Griffiths, Professor Mark Henaghan, Professor Nicola Peart

NZ $75.00

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Judicial Review 2010

Publication Date: 19-Jul-2010

Author: Francis Cooke KC

NZ $45.00

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Domestic Violence Changes for Criminal Lawyers

Publication Date: 19-Jul-2010

Author(s): His Honour Judge Mill, Leah Davison

NZ $40.00

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Mortgagee Sales 2010

Publication Date: 22-Jun-2010

Author(s): Mark Hopkinson, Justin Toebes

NZ $65.00

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Property Law Conference 2010 - in a changing world

Publication Date: 14-Jun-2010

Authors: David Bigio, Rt Hon Justice Blanchard, Ian Campbell, John Greenwood, Prof Mark Henaghan, Greg Kelly, Niamh McMahon, Denham Martin, Greg Towers, Phillip Walker, Stuart Walker, Michael Weatherall

NZ $110.00

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Domestic violence - radical changes

Publication Date: 09-Jun-2010

Author(s): Judge Lex de Jong, Ingrid Squire

NZ $50.00

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Commercial Law Intensive 2010

Publication Date: 27-May-2010

Author(s): Barney Cumberland, Toby Fiennes, David Goddard KC, David Ireland, Pheroze Jagose, Aaron Lloyd, Annelies McClure, Frank McLaughlin, Matthew Mallett, Liam Mason, Andy Nicholls, Simon Vannini

NZ $75.00

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Securities Law for Non-Specialists

Publication Date: 11-May-2010

Author(s): Sacha Judd, Andrew Wallace

NZ $40.00

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Businesses in Trouble

Publication Date: 05-May-2010

Authors: Michael Bos, David Bridgman, Paul Chisnall, Chris Dunphy, John Fisk, Michael Harper, Michael Robinson

NZ $65.00

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Litigating against the Crown

Publication Date: 22-Apr-2010

Author(s): Justice Terence Arnold, Andrew Butler, Cheryl Gwyn, Jack Hodder SC, Professor Paul Rishworth, Mary Scholtens KC

NZ $65.00

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