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Displaying: 673 - 688 of 885 items. Price. Add to cart.

Electronic Discovery

Publication Date: 31-Mar-2009

Author(s): Daniel Ayers, Laura O'Gorman

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Disputes with the IRD

Publication Date: 12-Mar-2009

Author(s): Eugen Trombitas, James Coleman

NZ $50.00

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Professional Liability

Publication Date: 10-Mar-2009

Author(s): Phil Cook, Daniel McLellan

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Criminal Law Symposium 2008

Publication Date: 14-Nov-2008

Author(s): Dr Suzanne Blackwell, Grant Burston, Jonathan Eaton, The Hon Justice Simon France, Her Hon Judge Bridget Mackintosh, Kristy McDonald KC, Simon Mount, Christopher Stevenson, Jonathan Temm, Michele Wilkinson-Smith

NZ $65.00

Multiple Registration

Judicial Settlement Conferences

Publication Date: 10-Nov-2008

Author(s): Associate Judge John Faire, Judge Tom Ingram, Helen Rice

NZ $40.00

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Building and Construction Intensive

Publication Date: 06-Nov-2008

Author(s): Sherwyn Williams, Stuart Robertson, Keith Dick, Philippa Fee, Ed Crook, Duncan Halliwell, Andrew Hazelton, John Walton, Michael Weatherall

NZ $60.00

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Employment Law Conference 2008

Publication Date: 30-Oct-2008

Author(s): Kathryn Beck, Andrew Scott-Howman, Rob Towner, Penny Swarbrick, John Haigh KC, Joanne Watson, Don Mackinnon, Stephen Langton, Richard McIlraith, Ian Gordon, Susan Hornsby-Geluk, Philip Skelton, Kevin Thompson, Judge Barrie Travis, Paul Wicks, Denis Asher, Emma Butcher, Andrew Caisley, Nikki Dines, Barry Dorking, Mike Feely, Walter Grills, Hamish Kynaston, Campbell McKenzie, Grant Nicholson, Carl Reaich, Professor Paul Roth, Karen Spackman

NZ $110.00

Multiple Registration

Business Acquisitions

Publication Date: 20-Oct-2008

Author(s): Warwick Deuchrass, Richard McIlraith, Steve Rutherford, Scott Moran, Mark Odlin, John Powell

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Damages and Account of Profits

Publication Date: 14-Oct-2008

Author(s): Tim Mullins, Associate Professor Peter Devonshire

NZ $40.00

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Incorporating your law firm - working through the process

Publication Date: 13-Oct-2008

Author(s): Christine Grice, Ian Haynes, Greg Thompson

NZ $65.00
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Forensic Evidence

Publication Date: 23-Sep-2008

Author(s): Craig Ruane, Dr John Buckleton

NZ $55.00

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Commercial Law Intensive

Publication Date: 10-Sep-2008

Author(s): Paul Foley, Frank McLaughlin, Geof Shirtcliffe, Michael Heron, Cathy Quinn, John Horner, Jenny Cooper, Cameron Fleming, Sean Gollin, Amon Nunns, David Quigg

NZ $70.00

Multiple Registration

Education Law Update

Publication Date: 09-Sep-2008

Author(s): Paul Rishworth, Patrick Walsh, John Hannan

NZ $60.00

Multiple Registration

Enduring Powers of Attorney - A new regime

Publication Date: 01-Sep-2008

Author(s): Greg Kelly, Neil Williamson

NZ $45.00

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Administrative Law Intensive

Publication Date: 29-Aug-2008

Author(s): Jenny Cassie, Roger Palairet, Dean Knight, Helen Aikman KC, Karen Clark KC, Francis Cooke KC, Mike Morris, Nicola White

NZ $70.00

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Deception in Commercial Dealings

Publication Date: 25-Aug-2008

Author(s): David Goddard KC, Justice Terence Arnold

NZ $65.00

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