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Intellectual Property for Non Specialists

Publication Date: 18-Aug-2008

Author(s): Greg Arthur, Matt Sumpter

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Easements and Covenants - pushing the boundaries

Publication Date: 12-Aug-2008

Author(s): Thomas Gibbons, Kerry O'Donnell

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Tax Conference 2008

Publication Date: 06-Aug-2008

Author(s): Denham Martin, Niels Campbell, Brendan Brown, Bruce Bernacchi, Richard Scoular, David Simcock, Peter Boyce, John Peterson, Robin Oliver, Betsy-Anne Howe, Prof Craig Elliffe

NZ $95.00

Multiple Registration

Preparing and Running a RMA Hearing

Publication Date: 01-Aug-2008

Author(s): Paul Majurey, Christian Whata, Trevor Shiels, Martin Williams

NZ $65.00

Multiple Registration

Mental Health Intensive

Publication Date: 28-Jul-2008

Author(s): Dr Andrew Butler, Dr Mark Earthrowl, Dr Nick Judson, Dr Rees Tapsell, Paul Gruar, Prof Warren Brookbanks, John Edwards

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Advanced Lawyer for the Child - The Winds of Change

Publication Date: 25-Jul-2008

Author(s): Alan Goodwin, Murray Cochrane, Mark Henaghan, Jenny Binns, Simon Jefferson, Dr Jan Pryor, Stephen van Bohemen, Caroline Hannan, Don Houchen, Emma Parsons, Karen Wilson, Gillian Basher

NZ $60.00

Multiple Registration

Using the Bill of Rights in Civil and Criminal Litigation

Publication Date: 02-Jul-2008

Author(s): Simon Mount, Dr Rodney Harrison KC, Dale La Hood, Grant Illingworth KC, The Hon Justice Paul Heath, Claudia Geiringer, Roger Partridge

NZ $75.00

Multiple Registration

Company Law Update

Publication Date: 24-Jun-2008

Author(s): Neil Campbell, David Cooper

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Property Law Conference 2008 - Looking to the future

Publication Date: 16-Jun-2008

Author(s): Stuart Walker, John Harkness, Mark Henaghan, Helen Melrose, Robert Muir, John Greenwood, Duncan Webb, Murray Gilbert, Anne Wilson, Pedro Morgan, Andrew Petersen, Jim Guest, Jacqui Sibbald, Philip Blank, Anna Buchly, John Clark, David Chisnall, Dave Kelly, Tomas Kennedy-Grant KC, John Meads, Phillip Merfield, Graeme Olding, Stuart Robertson, Phil Shannon, Willy Sussman, Vaughan Underwood, Sam Wimsett, Jonathan Flaws

NZ $110.00

Multiple Registration

Interpretation of Statutes and Contracts

Publication Date: 09-Jun-2008

Author(s): John Burrows

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Commercial Leases

Publication Date: 29-Apr-2008

Author(s): David Grinlinton, Ish Fraser, Jacqui Sibbald

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Limited Partnerships

Publication Date: 21-Apr-2008

Author(s): Casey Plunket, Nick Wells

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Media Law - rapid change, recent developments

Publication Date: 15-Apr-2008

Author(s): William Akel, Robert Stewart, Steven Price

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

KiwiSaver Revisited

Publication Date: 12-Mar-2008

Author(s): Alasdair McBeth, Sean O'Sullivan, Ian Rowe

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

The New Property Law Act

Publication Date: 20-Nov-2007

Author(s): Niamh McMahon, Nick Kearney, Don McMorland, Peter Nolan, Steve Rutherford

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Family Law Conference 2007

Publication Date: 08-Nov-2007

Author(s): Various

NZ $95.00

Multiple Registration
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