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Mortgagee sales update

Publication Date: 07-Nov-2007

Author(s): Justin Toebes, Struan McOmish

NZ $55.00

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Client care under the new regime - how your practice can benefit

Publication Date: 05-Nov-2007

Author(s): Duncan Webb, John Mackintosh

NZ $45.00

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Rural Property Transactions - the ever changing landscape

Publication Date: 08-Oct-2007

Author(s): Richard Burcher, Peter Duncan, Jeannie Warnock, Mark Von Dadelszen, Rob Braithwaite, Matt Hanna, Brett Gould, Rod Oram, Ian Blackman, Mark Christensen, George Collier, John Gallie, David Goodman, Deborah Hollings KC, Andrew Leete, Chris Spargo, Elizabeth Toomey, Andrew Watters

NZ $90.00

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Sentencing Update

Publication Date: 05-Sep-2007

Author(s): Judge Stephen O'Driscoll, Professor Geoff Hall, Tracy Mellor

NZ $65.00

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Tax Conference 2007

Publication Date: 05-Sep-2007

Author(s): David Patterson, Casey Plunket, Denham Martin, Brendan Brown, Tony Wilkinson, Richard Green, Richard Scoular, Peter Boyce, Joanne Hodge, John Peterson, Campbell Rose

NZ $80.00

Multiple Registration

Judicial Review Intensive September 2007

Publication Date: 03-Sep-2007

Author(s): Paul Radich, Ailsa Duffy KC, Richard Best, Justin Smith, David Goddard KC, Helen Aikman KC, Allison Bennett, Karen Clark KC, Francis Cooke KC, Cheryl Gwyn, Professor Mike Taggart, The Hon Justice Wild

NZ $75.00

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Takeovers Intensive

Publication Date: 27-Aug-2007

Author(s): David Flacks, Derek Johnston, David Jones, Roger Wallis

NZ $45.00

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Creditors' Remedies

Publication Date: 27-Aug-2007

Author(s): Michael Bos, Mike Colson, Jeremy Morley

NZ $55.00

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Publication Date: 02-Aug-2007

Author(s): Stewart Germann, Anthony Grant, Maurice Walker

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

The Law of Obligations - Contract in Context

Publication Date: 30-Jul-2007

Author(s): Christine French, Tom Weston KC, Justin Smith, Campbell Walker, David Goddard KC, Stephen Kos KC, The Hon Justice Miller

NZ $60.00

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Incorporating your law firm - what you need to know

Publication Date: 20-Jul-2007

Author(s): Christine Grice, Ian Haynes, Greg Thompson

NZ $60.00
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Section 21 Agreements - a growth industry

Publication Date: 17-Jul-2007

Author(s): Geoff Harrison, Jacinda Rennie

NZ $40.00

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Resource Management

Publication Date: 16-Jul-2007

Author(s): David Kirkpatrick, Camilla Owen, Joanna Appleyard, Helen Atkins, His Honour Judge Bollard, Stephen Christensen, Gill Chappell

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Trusts Conference 2007

Publication Date: 11-Jun-2007

Author(s): Greg Kelly, Nicola Peart, John Hart, Bill Patterson, Pravir Tesiram, David Ireland, William Stevens, Stephen Tomlinson, Chris Kelly, Simon Weil, Jessica Palmer, Jim Guest, Mark Cassidy, Iain McCormick

NZ $95.00

Multiple Registration

KiwiSaver - What employers need to know

Publication Date: 05-Jun-2007

Author(s): David McLay, Alasdair McBeth, Sean O'Sullivan

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Evidence Act 2006 Intensive

Publication Date: 05-Jun-2007

Author(s): Robert Dobson KC, Pheroze Jagose, The Hon Justice William Young, The Hon Justice Chambers, Grant Burston, Saaeda Verall, Helen Cull KC, Jonathan Eaton, Hon Robert Fisher KC, Christine Gordon, Grant Illingworth KC, David Jones, Sarah Katz, Dr Don Mathias, Philip Morgan KC, Peter Whiteside

NZ $90.00

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