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Displaying: 721 - 736 of 885 items. Price. Add to cart.

GST: Practical advice on getting it right

Publication Date: 22-May-2007

Author(s): Catherine Bibbey, Eugen Trombitas, Gary O'Neill

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Judicial Review May 2007

Publication Date: 14-May-2007

Author(s): Francis Cooke KC

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

The Role of the Lawyer in Protection Cases in the Family Court

Publication Date: 30-Apr-2007

Author(s): Alex Ashmore, Her Honour Judge Smith

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Business Insolvency Intensive

Publication Date: 01-Apr-2007

Author(s):Rt Hon Justice Blanchard, Scott Barker, David Brown, Steve Flynn, Trish Keeper, Peter Macks, Murray Tingey

NZ $75.00

Multiple Registration

Retirement Villages - the full impact of the Act

Publication Date: 12-Mar-2007

Author(s): John Greenwood, Michelle Burke

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Legal Aid Essentials: Life under the 2006 Amendment Act

Publication Date: 08-Feb-2007

Author(s): Frances Blyth, Steven Zindel, David More, Sue England, Robyn Nicholas, Paula Werahiko

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Corporate Governance

Publication Date: 28-Nov-2006

Author(s): Christine Grice, John Holland, James Hay, John Horner, David Knight, Liam Mason, Nick Wells, Rick Bettle, Robert Buchanan, Mai Chen, Annabel Cotton, Garry Downs, Prof John Farrar

NZ $75.00

Multiple Registration

Criminal Law Symposium 2006

Publication Date: 24-Nov-2006

Author(s): Judith Ablett Kerr KC, Robert Lithgow, The Hon Justice Robertson, The Hon Justice William Young, Justice Hayne AC, Justice Robertson, William Akel, Frances Blyth, Paul Davison KC, Tony Ellis, Christine Gordon, Dale La Hood, Peter Marshall, Philip Morgan KC, Jeff Orr

NZ $65.00

Multiple Registration

Subdivisions - getting it right

Publication Date: 10-Nov-2006

Author(s): Tim Jones, Pru Steven

NZ $70.00

Multiple Registration

The New Accounting Standards - what lawyers need to know

Publication Date: 02-Nov-2006

Author(s): Denham Shale, Michele Embling, David Blakey

NZ $35.00

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Litigation Strategy

Publication Date: 30-Oct-2006

Author(s): Suzanne Robertson, The Hon Robert Fisher KC

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Fiduciary Relationships

Publication Date: 25-Oct-2006

Author(s): Gerard Curry, Peter Whiteside

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Employment Law Conference 2006

Publication Date: 12-Oct-2006

Author(s): Kathryn Beck, Peter Chemis, Geoff Davenport, Christine French, Peter Kiely, Phillipa Muir, Andrew Scott-Howman, Penny Swarbrick, Rob Towner, Peter Churchman, Stephanie Dyhrberg, Dr Rodney Harrison KC, Bill Hodge, Simon Mitchell, Margaret Robins, Peter Cranney, Peter Gunn, Don Mackinnon, Stephen Langton, Richard McIlraith, Joanna Appleyard, Philip Cheyne, Judge Tony Couch, Ian Gordon, Joanna Holden, Susan Hornsby-Geluk, Judge Coral Shaw, Philip Skelton, Kevin Thompson, Judge Barrie Travis, Samantha Turner, Helen White, Paul Wicks, Shan Wilson

NZ $95.00

Multiple Registration

PPSA - a review four years on

Publication Date: 10-Oct-2006

Author(s): Peter Eady, Adam Jackson

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Charities Act 2005 - the new deal

Publication Date: 01-Oct-2006

Author(s): Richard Earwaker, Michael Heron

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Drafting Better Pleadings

Publication Date: 13-Sep-2006

Author(s): David Goddard KC

NZ $45.00

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