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Rural Transactions - getting it right

Publication Date: 12-Sep-2005

Author(s): Barry Gunson, Deborah Hollings, Christine Grice, Peter Radich, Jeannie Warnock, John Gordon, David Russell, John Eagles, Matt Hanna, Ben Tothill, Ewan Chapman, Philippa Newlove, Carolyn Mason-Mortland, Max Lamb, Kent France, Paul Cassin, Graham Brown, Brett Gould

NZ $75.00

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Restitution Update

Publication Date: 31-Aug-2005

Author(s): Charles Cato, Tim Mullins

NZ $50.00

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Grey Matters - issues in acting for elderly clients

Publication Date: 29-Aug-2005

Author(s): Helen Melrose, Duncan Webb, Ken Lord, Michelle Burke

NZ $50.00

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Environmental Issues - insight and inspiration

Publication Date: 22-Aug-2005

Author(s): Sally Dossor, Jim Milne, Dr Ken Palmer, Prof Barry Barton

NZ $55.00

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Trade Practices

Publication Date: 08-Aug-2005

Author(s): Laura O'Gorman, Justin Smith

NZ $45.00

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Contractual Remedies

Publication Date: 26-Jul-2005

Author(s): Stephen Kos, Professor Jeff Berryman, Professor Peter Watts

NZ $50.00

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Preparing and Presenting Evidence in the Family Court

Publication Date: 26-Jul-2005

Author(s): Maureen Southwick, Simon Jefferson, His Honour Judge Murfitt

NZ $40.00

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Coming to and Doing Business in New Zealand

Publication Date: 04-Jul-2005

Author(s): Paul Le Gros, David McGregor

NZ $35.00

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Update on Torts

Publication Date: 28-Jun-2005

Author(s): Christine French, Stephen Todd

NZ $50.00

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Liability of Local Authorities

Publication Date: 14-Jun-2005

Author(s): Geoff McLay, Andrew Butler, Dean Knight

NZ $50.00

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New Zealand's Constitutional Arrangements: where are we heading?

Publication Date: 24-May-2005

Author(s): Jack Hodder, the Rt Hon Sir Geoffrey Palmer, the Rt Hon Sir Ivor Richardson

NZ $50.00

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Publication Date: 10-May-2005

Author(s): David Flacks, Derek Johnston, David Jones, Roger Wallis

NZ $40.00

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Care of Children Act 2004

Publication Date: 09-May-2005

Author(s): Judge Jan Doogue, Alastair Logan

NZ $55.00

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Trusts Conference 2005

Publication Date: 02-May-2005

Author(s): Helen Cull KC, Nicola Peart, Greg Kelly, Professor Julie Maxton, Bill Patterson, Pravir Tesiram, David Ireland, Lynda Kearns, Margaret Casey, Stephen Tomlinson, Mark Vickerman, Andrew Butler, Andra Glyn-Jones, Chris Kelly, Joanne McCrae, Simon Weil

NZ $85.00

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Publication Date: 13-Apr-2005

Author(s): Chris Finlayson, Claire Charters, Gerard van Bohemen

NZ $45.00

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Building Act 2004 and Building Contract Issues for Lawyers

Publication Date: 12-Apr-2005

Author(s): Stephen Quinn, Grant Wilson

NZ $55.00

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