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Crown Entities Act 2004

Publication Date: 11-Apr-2005

Author(s): Phillippa Smith, Ivan Kwok, Robert Buchanan, Jenny Cassie, Janet Lewin, Roger Palairet

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Employment Law for Non-Specialists

Publication Date: 04-Apr-2005

Author(s): Kathryn Beck, Kit Toogood KC

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Foreshore and Seabed Act, the RMA and Aquaculture

Publication Date: 04-Apr-2005

Author(s): Dr Paul McHugh, Bronwyn Arthur, Camilla Owen

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Advising Not-for-Profit Organisations

Publication Date: 14-Mar-2005

Author(s): Miles Agmen-Smith, Mark Von Dadelszen

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

The PRA and Property - preventing disputes and resolving claims

Publication Date: 28-Feb-2005

Author(s): Margaret Casey, David Burns

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Criminal Law Symposium 2004

Publication Date: 26-Nov-2004

Author(s): Hon Justice Anderson, Simon France, Susan Hughes, Philip Hamlin, Elisabeth McDonald, Donald Stevens KC, Hon AAT Ellis KC, His Honour Judge Johnson, Aaron Perkins, David Ruth, Anne Stevens

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Taxation of Personal Property Investments

Publication Date: 15-Nov-2004

Author(s): Denham Martin

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act 2003

Publication Date: 01-Nov-2004

Author(s): Stuart Walker, Rob McInnes

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Appeals: the Court of Appeal and the new Supreme Court

Publication Date: 18-Oct-2004

Author(s): Rt Hon Justice Blanchard, Greg King, Bill Wilson KC, Brendan Brown KC

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

The PRA for Property Lawyers

Publication Date: 18-Oct-2004

Author(s): Nicola Peart, Brendan McConnell

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Employment Law Conference 2004

Publication Date: 11-Oct-2004

Author(s): Kathryn Beck, Derek Broadmore, His Honour Judge Colgan, Christine French, Peter Kiely, Andrew Scott-Howman, Kit Toogood KC, Dr Chris Walls, Penny Swarbrick, Dr Paul Roth, Peter Churchman, Dr Rodney Harrison KC, Simon Mitchell, Margaret Robins, Jane Latimer, Professor Ron McCallum, Anna Fitzgibbon, Keith Binnie, Peter Cranney, Lesley Brook, Susan Freeman-Greene, Peter Gunn, Joanne Watson, Charles Chauvel, Don Mackinnon, Christine Batt, James Wilson, Wayne Wilson, Mary Foley, Stephen Langton

NZ $85.00

Multiple Registration

Without Notice Applications

Publication Date: 05-Oct-2004

Author(s): Vivienne Crawshaw, Judge O'Dwyer

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Evidence - how it works

Publication Date: 04-Oct-2004

Author(s): The Hon Justice Wild, Hon Robert Fisher KC

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Securities Update

Publication Date: 04-Oct-2004

Author(s): Liam Mason, Cathy Quinn

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Economics and Competition Law

Publication Date: 15-Sep-2004

Author(s): James Mellsop, James Palmer

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Litigation Involving Companies

Publication Date: 31-Aug-2004

Author(s): Sandra Grant, Andrew Beck

NZ $45.00

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