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Property Law Conference 2004

Publication Date: 23-Aug-2004

Author(s): Greg Kelly, Paul Foley, Nicola Peart, Denis Sheard, Rt Hon Justice Blanchard, Richard Burcher, John Donovan, Barry Gunson, Bill Patterson, Mark Henaghan, Chris Moore, Geoff Clews, Chris Kelly, Deborah Marris, Rob Braithwaite, Ken Lord, David McLay, Dr Wally Bain, Dr Stephen Saunders, Kristin Bowman, Jim Roberts, Stuart Ryan, Joanna Doolan, Ferne Bradley, Vanessa Cathie, Catherine Atchison, Nichole Moynagh, Greg Towers

NZ $85.00

Multiple Registration

Economics and the RMA

Publication Date: 09-Aug-2004

Author(s): Claire Kirman, Dr Basil Sharp, Christian Whata, His Honour Judge Jackson

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Youth Advocates' Conference 2004

Publication Date: 09-Aug-2004

Author(s): James Johnston, Greg Hikaka, La-Verne King, His Honour Judge Becroft, Sonja Cooper, Neil Cleaver, Susan Howan, Alister James, Megan Jenkins, Gordon Matenga, Dr Gabrielle Maxwell, Doug Rishworth, Lance Rowe, Louise Sziranyi

NZ $60.00

Multiple Registration

The Foreshore and Seabed

Publication Date: 21-Jul-2004

Author(s): Richard Boast, Dr Paul McHugh

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Liability of Public Authorities

Publication Date: 21-Jun-2004

Author(s): Dr Andrew Butler, Geoff McLay

NZ $50.00

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Professional Liability

Publication Date: 08-Jun-2004

Author(s): Phil Cook, Murray Gilbert

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Doing Business in Australia

Publication Date: 04-Jun-2004

Author(s): Bruce Patterson, Mark Smith

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Education Law - continuing challenges

Publication Date: 11-May-2004

Author(s): Patrick Walsh, John Hannan, Paul Rishworth

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Drafting Commercial Contracts

Publication Date: 01-Apr-2004

Author(s): Fraser Goldsmith, Duncan Webb

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Law Firm Management Conference

Publication Date: 22-Mar-2004

Author(s): Dr George Beaton, Sam Beasley, Maggie Callicrate, Anthony Mitchell, Kriss Will, Paul Malliate

NZ $40.00

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Child Development

Publication Date: 15-Mar-2004

Author(s): Trish Allen, Antony Mahon

NZ $40.00

Multiple Registration

Civil Procedure Update

Publication Date: 03-Mar-2004

Author(s): David Laurenson, Chris Finlayson, The Hon Justice Chambers, The Hon Justice William Young

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Retirement Villages

Publication Date: 25-Feb-2004

Author(s): John Greenwood, Simon Marks

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Update on Judicial Review

Publication Date: 17-Nov-2003

Author(s): Janet McLean, Lyn Stevens KC, Helen Aikman

NZ $30.00

Multiple Registration

Taxation of Land

Publication Date: 10-Nov-2003

Author(s): Stephen Tomlinson, Tony Wilkinson, Andrew Ryan

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Family Law Conference 2003 - raising the standard

Publication Date: 20-Oct-2003

Author(s): Various

NZ $85.00

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