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Displaying: 833 - 848 of 885 items. Price. Add to cart.

Litigating Against the Crown

Publication Date: 27-Jul-2002

Author(s): Terence Arnold KC, Dr Andrew Butler, Jack Hodder, Janet McLean, Mary Scholtens KC

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

Working with Psychologists

Publication Date: 16-Jul-2002

Author(s): Alan Goodwin, Llewelyn Richards-Ward

NZ $35.00

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Practical Company and Tax Law Issues

Publication Date: 10-Jun-2002

Author(s): Jeremy Blake, Paul Foley, David Patterson, Graeme Smaill

NZ $60.00

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The New Sentencing and Parole Acts

Publication Date: 04-Jun-2002

Author(s): Professor Geoffrey G Hall, Stephen O'Driscoll

NZ $45.00

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Delegated Legislation

Publication Date: 14-May-2002

Author(s): Mai Chen, George Tanner

NZ $50.00

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Electronic Registration

Publication Date: 07-May-2002

Author(s): Duncan Terris

NZ $15.00

Multiple Registration

Business Online - the legal issues

Publication Date: 30-Apr-2002

Author(s): Clive Elliott, Fraser Goldsmith, Anne Hall, Alasdair McLeod, Ross Johnston, Casey Plunket, Chris Linton, Dr Paul Roth, Sarah-Jane Weir, Michael Wigley

NZ $55.00

Multiple Registration

Property Law and the PRA

Publication Date: 29-Apr-2002

Author(s): Geoff Harrison, Michael O'Regan

NZ $35.00

Multiple Registration

Personal Injury Litigation - a practical approach

Publication Date: 22-Apr-2002

Author(s): Wendy Brandon, Andrew Cadenhead, Dr David Collins KC, Bruce Corkill, Antonia Fisher, Stephen Harrop, Dr Toni Marks, Jo Manning, Geoff McLay

NZ $60.00

Multiple Registration

Wills and Estate Administration after the PRA

Publication Date: 11-Mar-2002

Author(s): Catherine Atchison, Greg Kelly

NZ $50.00

Multiple Registration

PPSA - putting the Act into practice

Publication Date: 18-Feb-2002

Author(s): Peter Eady, Laurie Mayne, Rob McInnes, Andrew Wagg, Matt Yarnell

NZ $30.00

Multiple Registration

Private International Law in New Zealand

Publication Date: 04-Dec-2001

Author(s): Helen McQueen, David Goddard

NZ $60.00

Multiple Registration

The Bill of Rights - getting the basics right

Publication Date: 20-Nov-2001

Author(s): Grant Huscroft, Scott Optican, Paul Rishworth

NZ $48.00

Multiple Registration

Defending Traffic Prosecutions - Land Transport Act update

Publication Date: 30-Oct-2001

Author(s): Frank Hogan, Tom Ingram

NZ $36.00

Multiple Registration

Resource Management Act Update

Publication Date: 29-Oct-2001

Author(s): Derek Nolan, Royden Somerville KC

NZ $45.00

Multiple Registration

Care and Protection 12 Years On

Publication Date: 15-Oct-2001

Author(s): Alison Buchanan, Murray Cochrane, Her Honour Judge Fleming

NZ $40.00

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