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Employment and Immigration Issues - practical advice and pitfalls to avoid - Online CPD

Employment and Immigration Issues - practical advice and pitfalls to avoid - Online CPD
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Online CPD Module  l  Booklet  l  PowerPoint Presentation

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  • $91 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • $121 - Non-members

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Online CPD Module

Presentation time: 60 minutes

Since the Christchurch earthquakes a skill shortage has increased and highlighted the need for employers to recruit and employ workers from overseas.

The presenters will provide practical employment and immigration law advice, with the aim of addressing some of the common issues and misconceptions that have arisen in the Canterbury region and are applicable throughout the country.

This module will look at:
  • Recruitment of overseas workers
  • The different work visa types and their conditions
  • When a migrant worker can lawfully begin, and continue working, for an employer
  • Canterbury skills shortage list
  • Contractual issues
  • Ongoing employer obligations and retention of migrant workers
  • Visa issues when employment ceases.

Please contact us if you use a dial up internet connection.

Learning objectives

You will:
  • Gain an understanding of recruiting and employing workers from overseas.
  • Be able to apply this knowledge in your practice.


Authors: Nicky Robertson, Scott Wilson
Published: 29 July 2014
Pages: 41
View contents page


There is a very close relationship between employment and immigration law in New Zealand. Employers wishing to employ migrant workers must ensure that a prospective employee is able to work lawfully in New Zealand in the role that has been offered to them.

The employer must also ensure that the terms and conditions offered to their migrant employee(s) adhere to New Zealand’s employment laws. For example, the terms and conditions set out in the Employment Agreement offered to a migrant worker must comply with New Zealand’s employment laws.

The earthquakes which have affected the Canterbury region have resulted in a significant number of employers in this region having to recruit overseas workers in order to fill their vacancies. For some employers, who have recruited overseas before, this has not created too many difficulties. However, this has been challenging to those employers who have never had to recruit overseas workers before, or those who wish to recruit substantial numbers of new workers from offshore.

The recruitment of migrant workers, as well as the large number of migrant workers recruited, has given rise to a range of issues in the Canterbury region, either employment or immigration-based. These issues are with respect to employers, who have never employed migrant workers before, not understanding New Zealand’s immigration laws and Instructions.

These issues that have arisen are also relevant to practitioners and employers located elsewhere in New Zealand. Therefore, this webinar is designed to provide practical advice and guidance to both employers and practitioners regarding the main employment and immigration issues which have arisen in the Canterbury region. Hopefully, this will enable people to understand how to deal with those issues should they arise or, preferably, to be able to initiate steps to avoid them arising in the first instance.

PowerPoint Presentation

These are the slides included in the presentation.
Number of Slides: 32
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