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Tribunals in the employment jurisdiction are required to adhere to the principle of natural justice and maintain procedural fairness. More recently, this obligation has been placed upon employers - especially around workplace investigations.
Ensuring a full and fair investigation of allegation is vital to this process. How do you achieve this whilst acting consistently with the obligations of natural justice?
This module will look at the steps that you can take to ensure your interactions with your client are not biased and that you meet your obligation to hear from both sides.
Other issues to be looked at are:After this module you will:
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The concepts which underpin natural justice are said to have originated in Roman systems of law. They are often regarded as being so basic that they should be self-evident to any person with an inherent sense of fairness.
Moreover, the suggestion that parties to the employment relationship must comply with rules of natural justice may come as a surprise to many who practise in the area. Employment lawyers should, however, be versed in the area of natural justice – and, more importantly, be in a position to advise parties to an employment relationship on their application.