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AML/CFT - phase 2 - Online CPD

AML/CFT - phase 2 - Online CPD
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Package includes:

Online CPD Module  l  Electronic Booklet  l  PowerPoint Presentation

Package Fee (incl GST)

  • $149 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • $179 - Non-members

Note: Access to the online files is via your "My CPD" page. If you would like to purchase multiple packages, please contact us here.

Online CPD Module

Presentation time: 90 minutes

Phase 2 of the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 is scheduled to be in effect from July 2018 and this will extend the coverage of the legislation to include real estate agents, conveyancers, many lawyers, and accountants in addition to other groups.

There are a number of steps that you will need to take to be prepared for the commencement of the legislation.

This module will take a practical approach in helping you identify if these obligations apply to you and, if this is the case, provide advice aimed at ensuring that you are able to comply with the requirements of the legislation.

In particular the presenters will cover:

  • Who and what does this apply to?
  • What are the obligations?
  • What do you have to do to meet your obligations?
  • And, when do you have to do it?
This will apply to most lawyers in private practice. Attend this webinar to ensure you are fully up-to-date with the requirements.

Learning objectives

After completing this module you will be:

  • Aware of who and what AML/CFT – phase 2 applies to.
  • Able to comply with the requirements of the legislation.

Please contact us if you use a dial up internet connection.

Electronic Booklet 

Authors: Henry Brandts-Giesen, Neil Russ
Published: 4 September 2017
Pages: 43


This paper is intended to assist New Zealand lawyers with a new and important compliance obligation to assist in the detection and prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing. The authors wish to emphasise that whilst the obligations are onerous, they are manageable. The first stage in the compliance process is to understand the context. From there lawyers will hopefully realise that they are but one class of a wide group of professionals and institutions who are dealing with similar issues. There are tried, tested and efficient solutions available in both analogue and digital form. Moreover, the New Zealand Law Society (NZLS) is committed to guiding all lawyers through the transition and can draw on the experience and expertise of members who are familiar with the issues and solutions.

PowerPoint Presentation

These are the slides included in the presentation.

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