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When commencing a case in the District or High Court all parties must discover and disclose every relevant document, whether helpful or harmful, before the hearing is held. This module will provide an overview of the discovery rules. It will have a practical focus that is aimed to ensure that you understand the key principles and strategies to employ in dealing with the disclosure of documents in the current environment.
This module will include:
By completing this module you will gain:
Authors: Sarah Armstrong, Aaron Lloyd, Julian Spring
Published: 23 March 2023
Pages: 20
Discovery is a core skill for any litigator. It can raise difficult legal and technical issues and can be often be the most expensive component of civil litigation. Document review – the process of lawyers eyeballing documents for relevance and privilege – is usually the most expensive aspect of discovery. Effective planning and management of the process is an essential part of providing excellent, cost-effective litigation services to clients.
The aim of this seminar paper is to provide you with practical tools to ensure that you get the discovery process right.
These are the slides included in the presentation.