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Update on Contract 2024 - Online CPD

Update on Contract 2024 - Online CPD
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Package includes:

Online CPD Module  l  Electronic booklet  l  PowerPoint Presentation

Package Fee (incl GST)

  • $325 - NZLS members and Associate members
  • $425 - Non-members

Note: Access to the online files is via your "My CPD" page. If you would like to purchase multiple packages, please contact us here.

Online CPD Module

Presentation time: 150 minutes

A review of significant developments since the 2022 NZLS CLE Update on Contract seminar.

Contract law is at the heart of commercial law and practice. A sound up-to-date knowledge of the area is essential for all lawyers.

This module will address recent developments in contract law in a practical manner, including:

  • Interpreting written and oral contacts
  • Implied terms
  • Contractual discretions, obligations of good faith
  • Exception clauses
  • Cancellation
  • Misrepresentation/FTA claims
  • Frustration, force majeure
  • Damages.

In addition to reviewing recent New Zealand developments, the seminar will consider decisions from other common law jurisdictions which are likely to be relevant to New Zealand contract law.

Learning objectives

After completing this module you will have up-to-date knowledge of recent developments in contract law and their practical consequences.

Electronic paper 

Authors: Paul David KC
Published: 10 April 2024
Pages: 37


This review covers decisions in contract law since the last seminar in 2022. As with earlier reviews. The cases reviewed are from the courts of New Zealand and other common law jurisdictions which share fundamental principles in contract law. While in some earlier reviews significant changes and reformulations of the principles in the law of contract have been noted, such changes tend to be the exception in this area of the law where certainty is considered to be very important. In the recent period the decisions have been concerned with the application of established principles. One or two cases follow naturally from the last review. Generally, the cases have been chosen to illustrate the application of the law in different circumstances; some show the inherent difficulty in deciding disputes by applying the relevant principles, particularly disputes concerning the meaning of agreements. Again, the aim is to assist lawyers in their work with contracts.

PowerPoint Presentation

These are the slides included in the presentation.

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Update on Contract 2024 - Online CPD

Publication Date: 10-Apr-2024

Author: Paul David KC

NZ $425.00

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