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Displaying: 81 - 96 of 132 items. Price. Add to cart.

Building the 'Digital Office': lessons learnt [Property Law]

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Lauchie Griffin

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Commercial Leases: the legal framework for repair, maintenance and reinstatement obligations

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Michelle Hill

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

KiwiSaver: First Home Withdrawals, HomeStart Grants and Welcome Home loans

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Julius Maskell

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Unit Titles Act: lame duck and how to fix it

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: John Greenwood

NZ $35.95

Multiple Registration

The New Bright-Line Test: implications for you and your clients

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Stephen Tomlinson

NZ $35.95

Multiple Registration

Occupation Right Agreements: a fresh look

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Katherine Wilmott

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Signatures, Identity and Document Security in the Digital Environment [Property Law]

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Mike Eyal

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Tenanted House or "P-Lab"?

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Authors: Paul Parker, Lucy Smith

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Landlords, Tenants and Leases: a health and safety checkup

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Jacqui Parker

NZ $35.95

Multiple Registration

Subdivisions - timeframes and other issues

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Tim Jones

NZ $35.95

Multiple Registration

Succession Planning [Property Law]

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Authors: Mark Tavendale, Ingrid Taylor

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Recent Reforms of the Building Act 2004 and the Construction Contracts Act 2002

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Geoff Hardy

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Creaking, Leaking and Sneaking [Property Law]

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Authors: Doug Cowan, Frana Divich

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Agreement for Sale and Purchase of Real Estate: recent changes

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Peter Nolan

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Sale and Purchase Agreements

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Nick Kearney

NZ $25.95

Multiple Registration

Tax for Property Lawyers: beyond the bright-line

Publication Date: 13-Jun-2016

Author: Denham Martin

NZ $35.95

Multiple Registration
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